Xiamen XMillion Co.,Ltd.





  • The Technical Points of Making Steel Doors



    The Technical Points of Making Steel Doors

    As we all know, when we produce a steel door, we need to use steel door sheet, but how to turn a steel door skin into a complete door,there are a lot of technical points need to be noted: 1, the color of the steel door surface depends on the choice of transfer paper, and powder, varnish. 2, the powder must use all-polyester, otherwise it will be yellow, or the color is not uniform. The dusting must be uniform, otherwise it will cause chromatic aberration. 3, the surface varnish effect and the quality of the varnish are critical, and the operation must be sprayed more than 2 times to achieve good results. 4. The pressure of the glue press must be controlled. Otherwise, the wave or the facade will be deformed. The pressure plate should not be too thin. The size of the liner for the press must be the same as the thickness of the door. The spacer for the door should be larger than the width. 80, the thickness is greater than 8, otherwise it will cause scratches and bumps on the facade. The squeegee must be even. It must be squeegeeed and placed in the inner frame. It is responsible for the degumming. The position of the ribs and the position of the keyhole are the easiest to flow. Pay special attention when squeegeeing. The size of the lock box must be standard and should not be too large, otherwise the lock hole will be uneven. When placing the 7th faca

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    Steel doors installation method

    Now many people will choose to decorate the interior metal doors or exterior steel doors. The exterior and interior steel doors is a door made of mild steel sheet. Therefore, the price will be cheaper than the solid wood doors, and it is a relatively mature mid-range interior/exterior door on the market. Below is the installation method of interior metal doors and exterior steel doors and the purchase of steel doors. Steel Doors Installation Method: 1, First of all to prepare tools, such as: hammers, nails, etc., and then in the measurement, the main measurement of door openings and door size is appropriate. 2, When installing the door frame, clean the floor, otherwise the steel doors will be soiled, and then use a nail to fix the horizontal frame and the two vertical frames. 3, Fix the assembled door frame, check the work, check whether the inner corner is standard, check whether the width of the inner and outer inner space of the door frame is the same, otherwise it will affect the decoration effect. 4, After the inspection is completed, put the door frame into the door hole, the observation point and the line are not in the corresponding position, if there is no error, you can carry out fixed work. 5, Next install the door, this should pay great attention to the upper and lower hinge with a nail, and then observe whether the door gap is too large or too small, check the file door and door leaf is on a horizontal plane, whether the door leaf has a tendency to fall, everything After checking, the nails can be tightened if they meet the standard. When installing the door frame and the door leaf, it must not be misplaced, otherwise the door seam will not be tight enough! 6, After th

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    Steel door features & Steel door sheet thickness

    Steel doors in the market launched a favor by consumers, a good anti-theft and appearance of beauty generous won unanimous praise, what's the features of steel doors and which thichness of door sheet should use? Usually we do not have much understanding, so today we will take a look at the introduction of the features and thickness of steel doors . Steel door features Advantage: 1, steel doors also have environmental protection, cost savings. Since the steel doors do not need to be painted in the workmanship, there is less paint pollution and less oil workers, which saves costs. 2. The effect of steel doors in the soundproof and heat insulation of steel doors is particularly prominent. Disadvantages: 1, relatively heavy, high requirements for door covers and hinges. 2, paint-free door covers are more prone to problems. 3. The brand of steel-wood doors on the market is increasing day by day, and there is a mix of pros and cons. Small brands often have poor technology. So it is more likely to have problems in terms of quality. Thickness of steel doors The thickness of the steel doors is the part that best reflects the quality of the steel door. Due to the diversification of the market price, the thickness of the steel plate is also different. To achieve the product surface smooth, smooth, stable performance, the door plate thickness should reach 0.5mm,0.8mm,1.2mm or more,

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    Fundición gris: En qué consiste

    Una adecuada gestión de los residuos metálicos ayuda a promover un entorno más sostenible y al cuidado del medio ambiente. Y es que no hay que olvidar que los recursos en la tierra son limitados y reciclar estos materiales ofrece una opción más ecológica. Estamos especializados en la venta de hierro y la compra de materiales ferrosos con posterior destrucción en nuestras instalaciones. También hacemos retirada de chatarra a domicilio y te ofrecemos un servicio de contenedores. El material metálico más utilizado en nuestro medio es la fundición o fundición gris. Pero, ¿qué es el hierro fundido o fundición gris? Es una de las ferroaleaciones más comunes porque, además de grandes cantidades de manganeso, fósforo, azufre y cerca del 1 % de silicio, también contiene más del 2 % de carbono. Su bajo coste y su facilidad de trabajo hacen de esta aleación uno de los materiales más utilizados en ingeniería. Solicita información sobre nuestros servicios. En Recuperaciones Grugar somos expertos en este campo, ofreciendo los siguientes servicios completos: Abastecimiento de materiales ferrosos y metales Expertos en el tratamiento del hierro Desmontaje: Cua

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    What is wrought iron?

    What is wrought iron? Wrought iron is composed primarily of elemental iron with small amounts (1–2 percent) of added slag (the by-product of iron ore smelting, generally consisting of a mixture of silicon, sulfur, phosphorous, and aluminum oxides). Wrought iron is made by repeatedly heating the material and working it with tools to deform it. Wrought iron is highly malleable, allowing it to be heated, and re-heated, and worked into various shapes-wrought iron grows stronger the more it's worked and is characterized by its fibrous appearance. Wrought iron contains less carbon than cast iron, making it softer and more ductile. It is also highly resistant to fatigue; if large amounts of pressure are applied, it will undergo a large amount of deformation before failing. The term [wrought iron" is often misused today; it is commonly used to describe designs similar to historical wrought iron pieces-regardless of the metal used. Mild steel that has been machine-bent into shape in a cold state or cast steel and iron pieces that have been painted black are both regularly mislabelled a

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    Hierro Fundido versus Hierro Forjado

    ¿Cuáles son las diferencias? Descúbralo y aprenda cómo son usados. La gente frecuentemente asume que el hierro fundido y hierro forjado son términos intercambiables para los primeros trabajos de hierro, pero existe una gran diferencia. El hierro forjado es el que ha sido calentado y trabajado con herramientas. El hierro fundido es el que ha sido derretido, vertido en un molde y se ha dejado solidificar. La diferencia fundamental entre el hierro fundido y el forjado es cómo son producidos. Las diferencias se pueden encontrar en los nombres: forjado es un participio pasado de trabajo ("hierro trabajado"), y fundido describe cualquier cosa formada por el proceso de fundición. Los métodos diferentes de producción crean metales con diferentes puntos fuertes y débiles y por eso es por lo que raramente ves una cerca de hierro fundido o un sartén de hierro forjado. ¿Qué es el hierro forjado? El hierro forjado está compuesto principalmente de hierro elemental con pequeñas cantidades (1-2%) de escoria añadida (subproducto de la fundición del mineral de hierro, generalmente compuesto por una mezcla de óxidos de silicio, azufre, fósforo y aluminio). El hierro forjado se fabrica calentando repetidamente el material y trabajándolo con herramientas para deformarlo. El hierro forjado es muy maleable, lo que permite calentarlo, recalentarlo y darle diversas formas. Mientras más se trabaja el hierro forjado más fuerte se hace y se caracteriza por su aspecto fibroso. El hierro forjado contiene menos carbono que el hierro fundido, lo que lo hace más suave y dúctil. Es también altamente resistente a la fatiga; si se aplica mucha presión sufrirá una gran deformación antes de fallar. El término [hierro forjado" es m

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    Introduction to the paint process of steel doors

    Paint is used as the post-process of steel wood door factory processing, and its advantages and disadvantages directly affect the final use effect. At the same time, the cost of paint is also one of the largest parts of the cost of steel doors. The types of paints are broadly classified into phenolic paints, alkyd paints, polyurethane paints, nitrocellulose paints, polyester paints and PU paints. Among them, phenolic paint and alkyd paint are basically eliminated in the decoration due to the poor texture and adhesion of the paint film. A large number of PU paints used in lacquer, polyester paint and high-grade furniture are used. Nitrocellulose lacquer is widely used because of its simple construction and suitable for manual operation, but its paint film is thin, the hand feel is not good, and the effect is not satisfactory. Due to the cost processing methods and equipment problems, 90% of the steel doors on the market currently use polyester paint, and a few manufacturers use PU paint. In general, polyester paints and PU paints have to go through six processes, such as color finding, three bottoms and two sides. Some brands increase the curing and waxing process. Therefore, when selecting steel doors, paint is one of the factors that must be considered. It directly affects the texture, feel, moisture, environmental protection, durability, and yellowing resistance. According to the survey, some steel-wood door enterprises have much room for

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    Descubre las diferencias entre fundición y forja

    Dos términos para nada similares, pero que en su argot generan confusión, sin embargo la explicación es bastante sencilla. Continúa leyendo y descubre las diferencias entre fundición y forja. Además, existe una distinción elemental entre ambos términos. Esto radica en los motivos por los cuales se utilizan ambas técnicas sobre el mismo material y además, estos oficios de fragua requieren de constante especialización. La fundición y la forja son dos técnicas de herrería muy comunes y son también bastante antiguas. Su presencia en la historia del hombre es ineludible, puesto que constituyen una evidencia de un nuevo nivel de dominio del fuego. A trav

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    A brief analysis of the similarities and differences between pig iron and wrought iron

    Pig iron generally refers to an alloy of iron containing 2 to 4.3% of carbon. Also known as cast iron. In addition to carbon, pig iron also contains silicon, manganese and a small amount of sulfur, phosphorus, etc., which can be cast and not forged. According to the different forms of carbon in pig iron, it can be divided into steelmaking pig iron, foundry pig iron and ductile iron. The carbon in the steelmaking pig iron is mainly in the form of iron carbide, and its cross section is white, usually called white iron. This pig iron is hard and brittle and is generally used as a raw material for steel making. The carbon in the cast pig iron exists in the form of flake graphite, and its fracture is gray, usually called gray iron. Because the graphite is soft and has a lubricating effect, the cast pig iron has good cutting, wear resistance and casting properties. However, its resistance strength is not enough, so it can not be forged and can only be used to manufacture various castings, such as casting various machine bed bases and iron pipes. The carbon in ductile iron exists in the form of spherical graphite. Its mechanical properties are far better than that of gray iron and close to steel. It has excellent casting, cutting and wear resistance, and has certain elasticity. It is widely used in the manufacture of crankshafts. Advanced castings such as gears and pistons, as well as a variety of mechanical parts. In addition, there are pig irons containing silicon, manganese, nickel or other elements with a particularly high amount, called alloy pig iron, such as ferrosilicon, ferromanganese, etc., which are commonly used as raw materials for steel making. The addition of certain alloy pig iron during steelmaking can improve the properties of the steel. Generally, the content of carbon containing less than 0.2

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    PRIMER USO Los utensilios de hierro forjado vienen ya curados de fábrica y listos para utilizarse. Solo tiene que lavarse con jabón y agua y secarlos inmediatamente después. No los deje secar al aire. No use detergentes agresivos ni esponjas metálicas. A continuación, puede precalentar su utensilio de hierro forjado para cocinar. COCINANDO El hierro forjado es apto para utilizarse sobre hornillas de gas, eléctricas, cerámicas y de inducción, incluso en fuegos de campamento. Las llamas no deberán sobresalir por los costados del utensilio. La olla debe corresponder con el tamaño de la hornilla. Sobre hornillas de vidrio o cerámica, levante el utensilio y nunca los deslice. No utilice estos utensilios en horno de microondas. El hierro forjado rara vez necesita un nivel de fuego superior a fuego medio una vez que se ha precalentado adecuadamente. Caliente el utensilio de hierro forjado y agregue aceite antes de agregar los alimentos para evitar que se peguen. No es necesario un fuego fuerte. OCCION CON HIERRO FORJADO Algunos alimentos pueden pegarse cuando el utensilio es nuevo. Agregar un poco más de aceite o mantequilla para evitarlo. Los alimentos ácidos, como tomates, frijoles y algunas salsas, pueden dañar el curado del utensilio y deben evitarse hasta que el curado esté bien establecido. Para freír , llene el utensilio solo hasta 1/3 de su capacidad. Las asas y tapas de los utensilios de hierro forjado se calientan. Utilice guantes para sujetarlas. LIMPIEZA Después de usarlos, lávelos a mano con jabón suave y agua y séquelos inmediatamente. Para evitar que desaparezca el curado, no se recomienda usar lavavajillas, detergentes fuertes o esponjas de metal. Desp

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    Introduction to wrought iron

    Traditional wrought iron is mainly used in the decoration of architecture, home and garden. It is widely used in European countries such as France, Britain, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, etc., from royal to residential, from garden to courtyard, from indoor stairs. To the outdoor guardrails, the shapes are different, and the exquisite decoration is everywhere. From their aspects of line, shape and color, the unique style and representativeness are the iron art of Britain and France, and the iron art of the two countries is different. The overall image of the British iron art is solemn, solemn, and the lines and composition are relatively simple and clear. The French iron art is full of romantic, warm and graceful atmosphere. If the British iron art is like a handsome gentleman, then the French iron art is like a prince of the Huaguan Jin belt. With the extension of the river of time, iron is now used as a creation material with a strong sense of the times and full of classical beauty. Iron masters use the aesthetics and skills of modern people to smelt the oldest materials in the world, and use their unique thinking to extend the use of iron to a new realm and make a brilliant interpretation. In recent years, with the development of society, the decorative art and decorative materials have been constantly updated, and the decorative styles of various art forms have emerged. The return to the basics has become a new fashion, as an ancient, traditional art deco style of iron. Art, which is marked with new content and life, is widely used in exterior decoration, interior decoration, furniture decoration and environmental decoration. It has a distinctive character, simple style, economical and practical craftsmanship, and has a place in modern decoration.

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    Tips para mantener hermosas tus piezas de hierro forjado

    El hierro es un material noble, duradero y una vez forjado se obtienen piezas hermosas. Esto bien lo sabe Emilio Tortajada, que desde 1886 emplea este metal para fabricar productos de calidad y belleza única, como se observa en su catálogo. Mantener en óptimo estado los muebles, objetos, puertas, ventanas, rejas y piezas fabricadas en hierro forjado es sencillo. Basta con seguir algunos consejos para conservar su apariencia y evitar el óxido, principal enemigo de este metal. Por ello, lo ideal es vigilar su estado con detalle al menos una vez al mes, para actuar lo antes posible ante su aparición. La mezcla para limpiarlo es fácil de hacer. Solo basta agregar una cucharada de jabón líquido vegetal a un recipiente con agua y formar una suave espuma. Lo siguiente será humedecer en esa solución un paño que no tenga pelusas y frotar las superficies. De esta manera se quitará el polvo o manchas que posea. Una vez culminado el proceso de limpieza con el jabón, si la superficie o mueble es grande (puertas, ventanas, rejas, sofás) se debe rociar con abundante agua (manguera) para eliminar los residuos. Luego se debe proceder a secar con un pañito que no deje pelusas. Para las piezas pequeñas, como manivelas, bisagras, cerraduras, aldabas, manillones, pomos o complementos, después del paño con jabón se debe pasar un paño humedecido solo con agua y luego secar muy bien con otro trozo de tela.

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    What are the features of the sliding gate?

    Translating gate is also called sliding door. It draws on the characteristics of automatic doors and wing gates. The area of the blocker is larger, and the obstruction height is larger. It is perpendicular to the ground, and it can be blocked and released through telescopic movement. Gates often use organic glass, tempered glass. What are the features of the sliding gate? 1, the standard switch signal input, convenient external switch, bar code system, ID / IC access control system, fingerprint machine, face recognition and other control methods to control the three roller gate operation. 2, with a variety of work modes to choose from, you can two-way card reader, fingerprint or face recognition current limit; two-way card reader, fingerprint or face recognition, the other direction forbidden; side two-way card reader, fingerprint or person Face recogniti

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    Conoces el hierro forjado?

    Hierro forjado. Es un producto ferroso que posee la propiedad de poder ser forjado y martillado al rojo, y se endurece enfriándose rápidamente. Funde a temperatura mayor de 1500ºC, es poco tenaz y puede soldarse mediante forja. El hierro forjado ha sido empleado desde hace ya miles de años y hasta ha sido la composición más común del hierro tal y como se ha conocido a lo largo de nuestra historia. El hierro

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    Introduction to Galvanized Sheet

    According to production and processing methods can be divided into the following categories: 1 hot dip galvanized steel sheet. The steel sheet is immersed in a molten zinc bath to adhere a zinc-plated steel sheet to the surface. At present, it is mainly produced by a continuous galvanizing process, that is, a coiled steel plate is continuously immersed in a plating tank in which zinc is melted to form a galvanized steel sheet; 2 alloyed galvanized steel sheet. This steel sheet is also produced by hot dip, but immediately after it is taken out, it is heated to about 500 ° C to form an alloy film of zinc and iron. This galvanized sheet has good adhesion and weldability of the coating; 3 electro-galvanized steel plate. The production of such a galvanized steel sheet by electroplating has good workability. However, the coating is thinner and the corrosion resistance is not as good as that of hot dip galvanized sheet; 4 single-sided plating and double-sided differential galvanized steel. Single-sided galvanized steel, that is, a product that is only galvanized on one side. It has better adaptability than double-sided galvanized sheet in welding, painting, anti-rust treatment and processing. In order to overcome the shortcomings of uncoated zinc on one side, there is a galvanized sheet coated with a thin layer of zinc on the other side, that is, a double-sided differential galvanized sheet; 5 alloy, composite galvanized steel sheet. It is made of zinc and other metals such as lead, zinc alloy or even composite plated steel. This steel plate has excellent rust resistance and good coating properties; In addition to the above five types, there are also colored galvanized steel sheets, printed galvanized steel sheets, and polyvinyl chloride laminated galvanized steel sheets. However, the most commonly used ones are still hot dip galvanized sheets.

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    Cuáles son los tipos de acero forjado que existen Podemos realizar una clasificación de la forja de acero en tres categorías diferentes dependiendo de la temperatura de formación: Forjado caliente de acero La temperatura de forjado se encuentra entre los 950 y 1250º Celsius, por encima de la temperatura de recristalización. Resulta en una buena conformabilidad y requiere bajas fuerzas de formación. Forjado templado de acero La temperatura de forjado se sitúa entre los 750 y 950º Celsius. Esta temperatura conduce a una ductilidad limitada y requiere fuerzas de formación superiores a las de la forja en caliente. Una de sus grandes ventajas es que se sitúa a medio camino entre el forjado caliente y el forjado frío, lo que le dota de una mayor versatilidad. Forjado en frío de acero

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    El acero forjado ha sido, desde el nacimiento de Xiamen Xmillion, nuestra razón de ser. Todo lo que hemos conseguido a lo largo de estas últimas décadas ha sido gracias a la pasión, esfuerzo y dedicación que le hemos puesto a este material tan preciado para nosotros. La gran mayoría de nuestros productos tienen como materia prima el acero forjado, un material que modificamos en forma y estructura interna a través de la aplicación de técnicas de forja que realizamos a temperaturas superiores a la de recristalización. Así llevamos a cabo nuestro proceso de forjado El proceso de forjado se realiza a través de la prensas, que mediante fuertes golpes y presiones conforman volúmenes y formas determinadas. En este proceso utilizamos herramientas como matrices, moldes o troqueles. De esta forma, las piezas procedentes de las forjas son mecanizadas para otorgarles así un acabado definitivo e intervenir lo mínimo posible para optimizar su fabricación al máximo. El forjado es un proceso que debe realizarse a temperaturas que oscilen entre los 800 y los 1000º C, aunque también puede llevarse a cabo a

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    How to maintain the wrought iron gate?

    In the selection of materials and coatings, they all strive to achieve rust-proof, wear-resistant, corrosion-resistant, and anti-exposure, so users should not try to buy some unqualified iron facilities. In order to prolong the life of outdoor wrought iron facilities, the following points should also be made: 1. Avoid bumps It mainly occurs during the purchase, transportation and installation of wrought iron gates, and it is handled with care and lightness, and hard objects do not often appear where they are placed. If you determine the location of the installation, you cannot change it. In addition, the wall surface to be installed must be flat, so that it will be installed smoothly and its service life will be guaranteed. 2. Keep clean Always clean the wrought iron gates. The rag material needs to be pure cotton knit. For dents and grime in the embossed ornament, it is recommended to use fine wool and avoid using a hard cloth to wipe.

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    What are the types of wrought iron gates?

    The wrought iron gate is a building decoration art. As early as the early 17th century, it has been continuously developing. It is a traditional European artisan craftsmanship product, with a simple, elegant, rough artistic style and glorious history. Today, iron gates can be seen in many places, such as community gates, villas, private houses, and so on. Well, what kinds of wrought iron gates are there? How to maintain them at ordinary times? Let's take a look at the relevant knowledge right away. What are the types of wrought iron gates? 1, railing type The main approach is to use a larger square tube as the frame of the door, and then use iron accessories directly mosaic in the frame mosaic. The performance of this type of transparent wrought iron gate is more aesthetically pleasing, and the use of materials is relatively small. It is suitable for doors with relatively large sizes, such as residential gates and villa garden doors. 2, solid door fan type The main method is to manage the door frame by one side, and then use the iron plate as the bottom, make the entire door solid, and then in the iron plate, frame the use of iron accessories mosaic mosaic. This kind of solid door's performance tends to be practical and safe, but the use of materials is relatively large, and it is not very prominent in terms of aesthetics. It is more suitable for small-size doors, such as private small courtyard doors.

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    ¿Qué es el hierro forjado y cuáles son sus principales usos?

    El hierro forjado, que se conoce también como hierro dulce, es el material que más se suele emplear para trabajos de herrería, como pueden ser verjas, vallas para zonas ajardinadas o piscinas y toda clase de cerramientos metálicos. Se trata de un elemento que al alcanzar temperaturas muy altas puede ser forjado, amartillado y moldeado fácilmente, y que una vez se enfría se endurece enormemente. Es un material duro y maleable que tolera aleaciones con otros metales de manera sencilla, sin embargo, es relativamente frágil. Por eso, el hierro forjado o los trabajos de herrería han pasado de ser utilizado para la fabricación de grandes estructuras de ingeniería y arquitectura, sobre todo en la era de la revolución industrial, a quedar relegado a usos secundarios en el sector de la construcción como la fabricación de rejas, puertas, vallas y otros fines decorativos. Esto se debe a que presenta numerosas dificultades para realizar uniones mediante soldadura. Este material se obtiene del mineral del hierro, que se calienta en una forja y se golpea para eliminar las impurezas y darle forma. Este hierro dulce se funde a temperaturas superiores a los 1.500 grados centígrados. Si necesitas poner una cancela o cualquier otro tipo de cerramiento en tu propiedad y buscas estilo a la par que seguridad, entonces lo recomendable es que optes por elementos fabricados con este material que, en estos casos, ofrece una buena resistencia y durabilidad. El motivo principal es que el hierro dulce no suele oxidarse. También es común su empleo en la fabricación de herramientas y otros enseres que se utilizan en diferentes oficios manuales. En Xiamen Xmillion tenemos experiencia en la prestación de servicios de forja en hierro, así como en la fabricación, instalación, montaje y reparación de toda clase de toda clase de cerrajería metálica y otras estructuras. Ven a vernos y te haremos un presupu

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    Cold rolled steel sheet production process

    Since no heating is carried out during the production process, there are no defects such as pitting and iron oxide which are often caused by hot rolling, and the surface quality is good and the finish is high. Moreover, the dimensional accuracy of the cold rolled product is high, and the performance and organization of the product can meet some special use requirements, such as electromagnetic performance, deep drawing performance and the like. Specifications: thickness of 0.2-4mm, width of 600-2 000mm, steel plate length of 1 200-6 000mm. Grade: Q195A-Q235A, Q195AF-Q235AF, Q295A(B)-Q345 A(B); SPCC, SPCD, SPCE, ST12-15; DC01-06 Performance: It is mainly made of low carbon steel grade, which requires good cold bending and welding performance, as well as certain punching performance.

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    El hierro forjado y sus características

    Al hierro dulce se le conoce más como hierro forjado y es un material férrico llamado así porque puede ser martilleado y forjado al rojo vivo, por lo que se suelda por forja y no se templa o endurece al enfriarlo bruscamente. Este material se funde a una temperatura de 1500°C y es poco tenaz. Hoy queremos recordaros algunas de sus características. El hierro forjado es muy maleable, tiene una gran resistencia a la tensión, y tolera ser estirado y doblado. Por otra parte, también es importante destacar que contiene menos carbono que el hierro colado. La manera de fabricarlo es añadiendo óxido de hierro al arrabio fundido hasta que el propio hierro se termine volviendo menos puro y menos fluido. De esta forma, cuando se encuentra en un estado semi-fundido, ya está listo para que se pueda trabajar con el martillo y posterior estirado. No obstante, antiguamente no se hacía así. Ahora contamos con muchos avances que nos permiten trabajar con el hierro forjado más fácilmente, pero antes del siglo XVIII casi todos los objetos de hierro se forjaban a mano: pestillos, manijas, cerraduras, bisagras, rejas, pasamanos, etc. Pero en la actualidad, el hierro forjado sólo se usa para la decoración.

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    What is steel security door?

    Ask everyone a simple question, what is the first thing we do after work? Of course, go home! So what is the first thing to go home? That is to open the door. As the first line of defense to go home, the security door is the first to bear the brunt, How much do you know about steel security doors? Next,we will lead everyone to look at the exciting content of steel security doors. First, what is the security door? Equipped with anti-theft lock, it can resist abnormal opening under certain conditions for a certain period of time, and has certain safety protection performance and meets the corresponding anti-theft security level. The full name of the security door is called "anti-theft security door". It combines theft and security features. According to the "General Technical Conditions for Anti-theft Security Doors", qualified security doors can not be opened or opened with a portable electric tool such as a chisel, a screwdriver, a crowbar, etc. within 15 minutes or a 615 mm2 on the door leaf. Open, or open a 38 mm square opening in a semicircle of 150 mm square. And the lock used on the security door must be a security door lock with anti-drilling function that has passed the test of the Ministry of Public Security. The security door can be made of different materials, but only the door that meets the standard test and receives the production permit for the security product can be called the security door. Second, the classification of steel security doors According to the anti-theft security level, there are 4 levels, which are Grade A, B, C and D, which are descending from high to low. Third, the steel security door intelligent Mainly reflected in the intelligentization of its key components (locks)

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    El estampado de láminas de metal combina varios procesos en un solo paso, lo cual acelera en gran medida el proceso de fabricación. Por ejemplo: El estampado de láminas de metal es un proceso de conformado en frío, por lo que no es necesario esperar a que el metal estampado se enfríe. Una operación de estampado puede hacer varios orificios en una pieza de metal. Si se usa otro proceso de conformado de metales, los orificios tienen que ser cortados o taladrados en una operación secundaria. Una operación de estampado puede crear múltiples curvas complejas.

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